Saturday, January 7, 2012

Arts and Agriculture Placemaking Develops

January 10, 2012
Since December, some of us have been meeting at a monthly potluck supper to see what the next steps might be for developing a better, more vibrant sense of place in Orange County by heightening the role of arts and agriculture. We've selected several of the conclusions from the Visioning Sessions during the summer and started talking and planning and looking for partners to develop plans and ideas. Here's what we are actively talking about from the conclusions of the Visioning:

“More Land-Based Festivals and Events“:

February 19, 2012, 11AM-3PM at Arrow Park, Orange Turnpike, Monroe, NY
Ice Harvest Festival. A mid-winter celebration of the beauty of the season and the faded tradition and skill of harvesting ice
Partners: Arrow Park and Museum Village and several artists Julia Kole of Arrow Park and Bob Schmick of Museum Village have started to put together this Festival. “Connections with Schools to educate about Ag and Arts”

Courtyard Gardens in local public school with underused courtyards. A place to start to introduce elements of gardening, farming, sustainability within the school and tied to curriculum.. We invite local farmers and artists to visit. This addresses the need for more education around both arts and agriculture. This has started with 3rd-4tth grades, Sandfordville School, Warwick, NY Partners: Jane Hamburger, Daniel Mack, Thom Woglom

“More Ag-based Local Products to sell at Farmstands.”

Museum Village is developing a series of workshops for farm families and veterans in handcrafts production. These start January 13th

Make Orange County a richer “web” of experiences. Develop Other Land-Based attractions in County to complement and model direct Ag-Based activities.

Seligmann Center for Surrealism Developing an art/tourism presence on the 55-acre homestead of Surrealist Kurt Seligmann. A committee has formed to create activities, events and permanent installations and a study center to attract people to the Seligmann Homestead where they can experience and learn about the history (and future) of Surrealism and particularly the Surrealists in Orange County.
Partners: The Orange County Citizens Foundation and 12 artists Contact: Nancy Proyect
Two Related Black Dirt Experiences:

Black Dirt Bike Tours. Cheryl Rogowski and Pat Gallagher are planning Bike Tours that visit area Farms and Artist Studios.

Black Dirt Rail Trail. Matt Kierstead presented images and ideas on what a trail along the old Lehigh & New England Railroad
bed in Black Dirt might look like. Here's how far it might run and the Balck DFirt
delights you'd see: Magical!

Pending Activities and Interests:
Artists-on-the-Farms Partners: The Wallkill River School and 15 county farms Contact: Shawn Dell Joyce

The Warwick Summer Arts Festival. Now in its 12th year of presenting quality performing arts in farm settings. Contact: Liz Reese
Partners: Scheuermann Farms, Pennings Farm, Community 2000 and several artists

Steve Roe of Roe Orchards, Chester, NY, is interested in expanding the Arts in the-Orchard events he's been doing.

“More and Better Branding of Arts and Ag.”
1. Warwick Valley Chamber of Commerce is interested in a Visit Warwick Valley campaign to include new events, activities, opportunities, restaurants, shops to motivate people to ‘come, go and come back soon.’
Partners: Warwick Valley Chamber of Commerce, its members and several artists
Contact: Cedric Glasper

2. There was talk of a Weekly Concierge Newsletter: what to do in Warwick Valley this week for area visitors. Orange County Tourism has a way to do this.

The next PotLuck is scheduled for Monday night, February 6th at 5:30 pm in Sugarloaf.

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