I’ve been collecting references and leads from people on how arts and agriculture have been working together. The results are very promising. Please add more
For 11 years, the Warwick Summer Arts Festival has been presenting on area farms:
music performances at Scheuermann Farms,
dance performances at Pennings Orchard, Scheuermann Farms and a horse barn.;
dramatic performances at Scheuermann, Pennings
8.24.11 Farm-Based Dramatic Presentation Bialas Farm, Goshen NY
NYC based Actor/playwright Will McAdams worked with us at our farm for several weeks this summer (as well as at a few other nearby farms) to learn more about farming and the farmers and farm workers of the black dirt region. He performed his one man show at a Warwick Arts festival last month. We are honored to have him perform his show for us at our farm this coming Tuesday evening after our CSA pick-up (refreshments at 6:30, show to follow).Adina and Jeff Bialas Donation asked 50 people attended event closed as sun set
For several years there have been Music Performances at Warwick Winery, Pennings Farm and Demerast Winery in the Village of Warwick is starting arts events.
Art and farm festival: Neversink Farm in Claryville NY. Outdoor sculpture exhibition. Neversinkfarm.com/the_events.html Sat. 8/20/11
Fostering Sustainable Behavior is a network of thousanssds of interested people. I started a thread there in July
Engaging the public through art in the out doors. For three years Metro Vancouver has been holding Forest Symphony. We invited 14 classical musicians to play in Pacific Spirit Park (a coastal temperate rain forest adjacent to Vancouver, BC). 3000 people attend! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRlnAPE6H5c Celina Starnes, Green Timbers, Pgm CoordinatorSNAP (Surrey s Natural Areas Partnership) Surrey, BC www.surrey.ca/SNAP
One approach is Marin Agricultural Land Trust's "Ranches and Rolling Hills" art show and sale in Marin County, California. The event showcases visual arts that highlight the agricultural landscape of the place while providing an exhibition and sales opportunity for the artists, with publicity and some proceeds going to the agricultural land preservation non-profit. www.malt.org/programs/sale.php Don Hodge, U.S. EPA, Region 9, Agriculture Program
The Green Artists League, Newburyport MA http://greenartistsleague.org/ One "articulture" project is The Alchemical Garden, a multi-year project to create an edible food garden adjacent to a newly opened rail-trail.. funding from New England Foundation for the Arts for this project. Elizabeth Marcus, Transition Newburyport transitionnewburyport.org
Iowa has an AgArts group for two to three years. The group has a loosely organized network of folks who are approaching the topic as poets, painters, chefs, sus ag farmers, eaters, and thespians. http://agarts.eserver.org/ Jean Eells, E Resources Group
I would like to be keep in touch with your developments as I have exactly the same interest here. A photo (arty) record of the agricultural area has been completed and we are now working with artists to develop a program. John Troughton, Australia jtrought@bigpond.net.au
Artists and Farmers collaborated to create new market Columbia, Missouri
The North Village Arts District Farmers and Artisans Market,
The marriage of rural growers and urban artists The market is intended to draw more visitors to “The more events that give people a reason to come there, the more they’ll want to spend time (here),We’ve created a market that offers wonderful value to the community and also gives them a reason to visit.” www.voxmagazine.com/stories/2011/06/30/farmers-artisans-market/
Exotic projects are all fascinating, but ultimately nothing beats a good old fashioned community garden. use art [primarily but not necessarily exclusively, ag-related art] as an attraction and a means of creative education Ken Farmer212.620.5660 ext 321
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